Nokia N97 & 5800 Complete Pack
A complete pack with best ever softwares till now including remarkable themes for Nokia N97 AND 5800.
this pack will make your nokia N97 and 5800 will need nothing after getting this thats i am sure.
it contains:
1- 70 Offscreen softwares
2- smart movie
3- talking dictionary
4- ttpod
5- Nimbuzz
6- SpbTV_v.1.1.195
7- Google_Maps_S60v5_v3.2.0
8- PowerMP3v1.14 S60_5th
9- sky force reloaded
10-Resco Photo Viewer.v5.03and lots of other softwares,themes and will surely like need to have either a certificate from OPDA, or your 5800 or N97 should be hacked.Otherwise, you will get the Certificate ERROR and Many other problems which will not let you install all money grabing softwares for get ur cer and key 1st then do anything else.